Need a recommendation for shared storage on auto-scaling ec2 w/ scalr

Solution 1:

This is a common issue when moving to EC2. Your options are one of the following:

  1. S3

    • Use s3fs as mentioned but you may suffer performance issues
    • Rewrite the application to store user content on S3 rather than disk.
      • You application could proxy the request to S3 or
      • You could get your client to upload directly to S3 using pre-signed URLS.
      • User could then be directed to retrieve content directly from S3.
  2. Use a clustered filesystem such a Gluster.

  3. Use 2 x dedicated NFS servers in Active/Passive using a DRBD backend.

EDIT 20160705

AWS now offers Elastic File System (EFS) in a number of regions. EFS is a hosted NFS service, effectively giving you a NAS as a Service.