Django request to find previous referrer

That piece of information is in the META attribute of the HttpRequest, and it's the HTTP_REFERER (sic) key, so I believe you should be able to access it in the template as:

{{ request.META.HTTP_REFERER }}

Works in the shell:

>>> from django.template import *
>>> t = Template("{{ request.META.HTTP_REFERER }}")
>>> from django.http import HttpRequest
>>> req = HttpRequest()
>>> req.META
>>> req.META['HTTP_REFERER'] = ''
>>> c = Context({'request': req})
>>> t.render(c)

Rajeev, this is what I do:

 <a href="{{ request.META.HTTP_REFERER }}">Referring Page</a>

This worked for me request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER') With this you won't get an error if doesn't exist, you will get None instead