iTunes reports "There is no updates available" for applications but there are updates available

Recently I moved from Russia to New Zealand. And now I'm experiencing an issue - all the applications I purchased in Russia cannot update here in NZ. I see there is a number in front of Apps in iTunes but when I click on "Check for Updates" it says that no updates are currently available. If I take my ipad and see the apps needed to update, after that download all the applications MANUALLY from app-store - it "solves" the issue. But I need to do that each time any application I've purchased being in Russia updates. It is really annoying.

How can I solve the problem and get the automatic updates really automatic?

There is a question here: iTunes shows App Updates Badge, but no updates are available with no answer though

UPD: well, looks like there is no good solution...

UPD 2: I was insistent enough in my emails to support and among 2 pages of other irrelevant lines this is what I see:

I have regranted all available Apps back to your account as a one time exception.

So, well, probably the problem is solved partially for now :-)

UPD 3:

Got 250+ updates in my itunes. Brief overview says that there are all the applications I ever downloaded. And if I delete them from the download list - they resurrect on itunes restart. Well, downloading them to delete right after (ps: it is not funny as long as I have 60Gb monthly limit)

UPD 4:

Let's all write a feedback at their !!

Solution 1:

Have you checked the normal route on this issue? First and most important is that you're on the same country store as the purchased app. No matter where you move around the world you're bound to the country store which the app is purchased from.

I have never attempted moving from one country App store to another. But this would require changing your billing information on the account and a verification of credit card billing address which has to be within the territories covered by that App store.

Solution 2:

The brief overview of what I have done.

I've written an email to iTunes store support. And got absolutely irrelevant answer, that just described the issue's roots and was not helpful at all. As a reply I asked almost the same but with different words and got the answer that made me angry:

Ivan, in future if you revert the country to Russia and as long as the purchased application are available in that country, you can update apps.

On this reply I replied back with the question - if I need to relocate just to get the updates for the apps I paid my money for. And as a reply got another email with another irrelevant and hopeless answer:

Ivan, your inquiry is very important to me, so I have requested assistance with the issue you reported. You will receive an email after the matter has been investigated and further information is available.

Thank you for your patience. Apple wants your iTunes experience to be as enjoyable as possible.

After that I decided to ask the question once again. So I created yet another support ticket with completely the same title and message body (I copied them as-is).

And after a day of waiting got a huge 2.5 pages letter with boring explanation how to update applications (written for completely newbies, step-by-step manual), then the magic paragraph:

You are still able to download previously purchased applications again for free if they are available on your new country's store. You will not be charged and the download will not appear on your Purchased page. If a previously purchased application is not available in your new country, you will not be able to download it again for free. I have regranted all available Apps back to your account as a one time exception.

That's it :-)