How do I speak to my companion?

I just finished up the last quest on Korriban, and my companion, Khem Val keeps saying, "I want to speak with you."

So... I right click him, and he says: "I want to speak with you."

So, I'm at a loss. How do I speak with the big lug?

Solution 1:

You need to go to a private place, such as your ship or a cantina.

Solution 2:

You'll need to find some privacy before your companion will open up to you.

In other words: once you get your own ship, speak to them there.

Solution 3:

One exception to the cantina rule is the small cantina in the Senate Tower on Coruscant. My companion refused to talk to me there, so I had to take him to the other Cantina, the one in the Market Sector. Once they are in the right area a quest marker will appear over their head and you can right click to start the conversation.