how to create global function that can be accessed from any controller and blade file

I have two controller file homecontroller and backendcontroller. What is the best way to create global function and access it from both files?

I found here Arian Acosta's answer helpful but I wonder if there is an easiest way. I would appreciate any suggestions.

Solution 1:


One way to do this is to create a class and use its instance, this way you can not only access the object of the class within a controller, blade, or any other class as well.

AppHelper file

In you app folder create a folder named Helpers and within it create a file name AppHelper or any of your choice

namespace App\Helpers;

class AppHelper
      public function bladeHelper($someValue)
             return "increment $someValue";

     public function startQueryLog()

     public function showQueries()

     public static function instance()
         return new AppHelper();


In a controller

When in a controller you can call the various functions

public function index()
    //some code

   //need to debug query

   //some code that executes queries

In a blade file

Say you were in a blade file, here is how you can call the app blade helper function

some html code
{{ \App\Helpers\AppHelper::instance()->bladeHelper($value) }}
and then some html code

Reduce the overhead of namespace (Optional)

You can also reduce the overhead of call the complete function namespace \App\Helpers by creating alias for the AppHelper class in config\app.php

'aliases' => [
       'AppHelper' => App\Helpers\AppHelper::class

and in your controller or your blade file, you can directly call


Solution 2:

Easy Solution:

  1. Create a new Helpers folder in your app directory.

  2. Create a php file named your_helper_function.php in that Helpers folder.

  3. Add your function inside your_helper_function.php

    function your_function($parameters){
        //function logic
    function your_another_function($parameters){
        //function logic
  4. Add this file to the Files key of your composer.json like

    "autoload": {
        "files": [
  5. And then finally regenerate composer autoload files. (Run this in your project directory)

    composer dump-autoload

That's it! and now you can access your_function() or your_another_function() in any part of your Laravel project.

If you still have any confusion, check my blog post on how to do this:

How to Add a Global Function in Laravel Using Composer?

Solution 3:


Step 1 Add folder inside app folder app->Helper

Step 2 add php Class inside Helper folder Eg. Helper.php

Add namespace and class to the Helper.php

namespace App\Helper;

class Helper


Register this Helper.php into config/app.php file

'aliases' => [
       'Helper' => App\Helper\Helper::class

Now, write all the functions inside Helper.php and it will be accessible everywhere.

How to access from Controller?

Step 1 - Add a namespace at top of the controller.

use App\Helper\Helper;

Step 2 - Call function - Assume there a getInformation() inside the Helper Class.

$information = Helper::getInformation()