How to substring a string Python from a specific index in Python?

Solution 1:

>>> val = 's2*20'
>>> val.split('*')[1]

Depending on what you want, you may want to check for '*' inside your string, or just taking everything after the first occurrence of '*', but hard to guess without more info. This might be a plausible scenario:

>>> def rest(s):
...     return s.split('*',1) if '*' in s else s
>>> rest('hi')
>>> rest('hi there * wazzup * man')
['hi there ', ' wazzup * man']

Edit: as pointed out in the comment by @Jon (no, not Skeet), using partition is better in every way.

>>> val = 's2*20'
>>> val.partition('*')[2]
>>> val = 's2-20'
>>> val.partition('*')[2]

It's smoother and performs surprisingly good - in fact a lot better than split:

>>> import timeit
>>> timeit.timeit('"s2*20".split("*")')
>>> timeit.timeit('"s2-20".split("*")')
>>> timeit.timeit('"s2*20".partition("*")')
>>> timeit.timeit('"s2-20".partition("*")')

py split vs. partition performance

Solution 2:

In this specific case:


Find the first occur position of *, and take a slice from there.


val.split('*', 1)[-1]

The tells to split string only once with delimiter, if you want everything after the first *.