Boot repair: "GRUB is still present. Please try again " message is displayed while reparing the boot having windows 8.1 and ubuntu 13.10

I was dual booting winodws 8.1 and ubuntu 13.10. I have updated my windows BIOS. After that i am always getting into windows. GRUB menu is not displayed.

So, Using UBUNTU 12.10 live CD (But i have 13.10 in my lap), i have repaired the boot to fix this issue.

When i clicked Boot repair, it says "UEFI is detected" I have choosen the recommended repair and it ends up with some commands

sudo chroot "/mnt/boot-sav/sda7" dpkg --configure -a
sudo chroot "/mnt/boot-sav/sda7" apt-get install -fy
sudo chroot "/mnt/boot-sav/sda7" apt-get purge -y --force-yes grub*shim-signed linux-signed*

After that, On clicking forward in the boot repair, got some error message like "GRUB is still present. Please try again"


BIOS Settings: Secured Boot: Disabled OS Type: UEFI

Kindly help guys.


Solution 1:

Not sure if this is even still an issue for you at this point but I was having the same trouble using boot-repair to purge and reinstall grub on ubuntu 14.04. So just in case someone else is having this issue here is what I did.

After I ran the last command (sudo chroot "/mnt/boot-sav/sda7" apt-get purge -y --force-yes grubshim-signed linux-signed) and attempted to click the forward button I got the message GRUB is still present. Please try again.

So I looked over the terminal output for that command and it turns out that the command was uninstalling grub*-common but was also installing grub-common:i386, which was then detected by boot-repair. So I uninstalled grub-common:i386, which then reinstalled grub-common, grub-pc etc. Rather annoying that apt-get is this stubborn when it comes to grub imo.

So in order completely uninstall grub I had to modify the command to sudo chroot "/mnt/boot-sav/sda7" apt-get purge -y --force-yes grub*shim-signed linux-signed* grub-common:i386 and once finished I was able to proceed with the boot repair.