QT : Templated Q_OBJECT class

Is it possible to have a template class, which inherit from QObject (and has Q_OBJECT macro in it's declaration)?

I would like to create something like adapter for slots, which would do something, but the slot can take arbitrary number of arguments (number of arguments depends on the template argument).

I just tried doing it, and got linker errors. I guess gmake or moc is not getting called on this template class. Is there a way to do this? Maybe by explicitly instantiating templates?

Solution 1:

It is not possible to mix template and Q_OBJECT but if you have a subset of types you can list the slots and signals like this:

    class SignalsSlots : public QObject

        explicit SignalsSlots(QObject *parent = 0) :
            QObject(parent) {}

    public slots:
        virtual void writeAsync(int value) {}
        virtual void writeAsync(float value) {}
        virtual void writeAsync(double value) {}
        virtual void writeAsync(bool state) {}
        virtual void writeAsync(svga::SSlideSwitch::SwitchState state) {}   

        void readAsynkPolledChanged(int value);
        void readAsynkPolledChanged(float value);
        void readAsynkPolledChanged(double value);
        void readAsynkPolledChanged(bool state);
        void readAsynkPolledChanged(svga::SSlideSwitch::SwitchState state);
template <class T>
class Abstraction : public SignalsSlots

Solution 2:

Taking into account some restrictions: you can. First please became familiar (if already not) https://doc.qt.io/archives/qq/qq16-dynamicqobject.html. - it will help to imlement it. And about restrictions: you can have a template QObject class i.e. template class derived from QObject, but:

  1. Do not tell the moc to compile it.
  2. Q_OBJECT is just a macro and you have to replace it by it real content which is virtual interface and something else :)
  3. Implement QMetaObject activation (above mentioned virtual interface and be caution with object info data, which is also come from Q_OBJECT) and some else functionality and you will have template QObject (even with template slots)
  4. But as I managed to catch the one draw back - it is not possible to simply use this class as a base for another class.
  5. There are some other drawbacks - but I think the detail investigation will show you them.

Hope this will helpful.

Solution 3:

It is still not possible to mix templates and Q_OBJECT but depending on your use case you may use the new 'connect'-syntax. This allows at least the usage of template-slots.

Classical non-working approach:

class MySignalClass : public QObject {

  void signal_valueChanged(int newValue);

template<class T>
class MySlotClass : public QObject {
public slots:
  void slot_setValue(const T& newValue){ /* Do sth. */}

Desired usage but not compilable:

MySignalClass a;
MySlotClass<int> b;

QObject::connect(&a, SIGNAL(signal_valueChanged(int)),
                 &b, SLOT(slot_setValue(int)));

Error: Template classes not supported by Q_OBJECT (For MySlotClass).

Solution using new the 'connect'-syntax:

// Nothing changed here
class MySignalClass : public QObject {

  void signal_valueChanged(int newValue);

// Removed Q_OBJECT and slots-keyword
template<class T>
class MySlotClass : public QObject {  // Inheritance is still required
  void slot_setValue(const T& newValue){ /* Do sth. */}

Now we can instantiate desired 'MySlotClass'-objects and connect them to appropriate signal emitters.

  MySignalClass a;
  MySlotClass<int> b;

  connect(&a, &MySignalClass::signal_valueChanged,
          &b, &MySlotClass<int>::slot_setValue);

Conclusion: Using template-slots is possible. Emitting template signals is not working since a compiler error will occur due to missing Q_OBJECT.