How to get EditText value and display it on screen through TextView?

I didn't get the second question, maybe you can elaborate...but for your first query.

String content = edtEditText.getText().toString(); //gets you the contents of edit text
tvTextView.setText(content); //displays it in a textview..

I'm just beginner to help you for getting edittext value to textview. Try out this code -

EditText edit = (EditText)findViewById(;
TextView tview = (TextView)findViewById(;
String result = edit.getText().toString();

This will get the text which is in EditText Hope this helps you.

EditText ein=(EditText)findViewById(;
TextView t=new TextView(this);
t.setText("Your Text is="+ein.getText());

    new View.OnClickListener()
        public void onClick(View view)
            String s1=tt.getText().toString();

First get the text from edit text view


and Store the obtained text in a string, say value.

value = edittext.getText().toString()

Then set value as the text for textview.
