How can I escape square brackets in a LIKE clause?

I am trying to filter items with a stored procedure using like. The column is a varchar(15). The items I am trying to filter have square brackets in the name.

For example: WC[R]S123456.

If I do a LIKE 'WC[R]S123456' it will not return anything.

I found some information on using the ESCAPE keyword with LIKE but I do not understand how to use it to treat the square brackets as a regular string.

LIKE 'WC[[]R]S123456' 


LIKE 'WC\[R]S123456' ESCAPE '\'

Should work.

Let's say you want to match the literal its[brac]et.

You don't need to escape the ] as it has special meaning only when it is paired with [.

Therefore escaping [ suffices to solve the problem. You can escape [ by replacing it with [[].