Incorrect barcode read by Mobile Vision API

Recently I've been doing some kind of Android barcode scanning app. Everything was fine until I realized that the same app made by my friend on IOS is much better at detecting barcodes. Google Mobile Vision API is often wrong, it detects barcodes like "72345...." when a real barcode is "12345..." . Is this a general problem? Are there any solutions?

Sample barcode: enter image description here

This barcode is detected fine when I keep my device above, but after any small move there is big chance to get incorrect code.

Solution 1:

I found that not using the first match but applying a simple debounce strategy works pretty well. For example I only consider a valid match after a barcode appears in 3 continuous frames. This can be easily done in a custom Detector<Barcode> that uses a internally. It slows down detection a bit but makes them more reliable.

Solution 2:

For anyone who wants fast solution based on google barcode sample. To the BarcodeGraphicTracker add three fields:

String currentBarcode = null;
int confirmCounter = 0;
final static int CONFIRM_VALUE = 10;

Update BarcodeUpdateListener interface with new method:

 void onBarcodeConfirmed(Barcode barcode);

Add this snippet to the overriden onUpdate method:

if (currentBarcode != null && currentBarcode.equals(item.displayValue)){
        if (confirmCounter >= CONFIRM_VALUE){
            confirmCounter = 0;
        currentBarcode = item.displayValue;
        confirmCounter = 0;

Now you can tune it by setting fps to camera source and changing CONFIRM_VALUE.