Find the index of a dict within a list, by matching the dict's value

lst = [{'id':'1234','name':'Jason'}, {'id':'2345','name':'Tom'}, {'id':'3456','name':'Art'}]

tom_index = next((index for (index, d) in enumerate(lst) if d["name"] == "Tom"), None)
# 1

If you need to fetch repeatedly from name, you should index them by name (using a dictionary), this way get operations would be O(1) time. An idea:

def build_dict(seq, key):
    return dict((d[key], dict(d, index=index)) for (index, d) in enumerate(seq))

people_by_name = build_dict(lst, key="name")
tom_info = people_by_name.get("Tom")
# {'index': 1, 'id': '2345', 'name': 'Tom'}

A simple readable version is

def find(lst, key, value):
    for i, dic in enumerate(lst):
        if dic[key] == value:
            return i
    return -1

It won't be efficient, as you need to walk the list checking every item in it (O(n)). If you want efficiency, you can use dict of dicts. On the question, here's one possible way to find it (though, if you want to stick to this data structure, it's actually more efficient to use a generator as Brent Newey has written in the comments; see also tokland's answer):

>>> L = [{'id':'1234','name':'Jason'},
...         {'id':'2345','name':'Tom'},
...         {'id':'3456','name':'Art'}]
>>> [i for i,_ in enumerate(L) if _['name'] == 'Tom'][0]

Seems most logical to use a filter/index combo:

names=[{}, {'name': 'Tom'},{'name': 'Tony'}]
names.index(next(filter(lambda n: n.get('name') == 'Tom', names)))

And if you think there could be multiple matches:

[names.index(item) for item in filter(lambda n: n.get('name') == 'Tom', names)]

Answer offered by @faham is a nice one-liner, but it doesn't return the index to the dictionary containing the value. Instead it returns the dictionary itself. Here is a simple way to get: A list of indexes one or more if there are more than one, or an empty list if there are none:

list = [{'id':'1234','name':'Jason'},

[i for i, d in enumerate(list) if 'Tom' in d.values()]


>>> [1]

What I like about this approach is that with a simple edit you can get a list of both the indexes and the dictionaries as tuples. This is the problem I needed to solve and found these answers. In the following, I added a duplicate value in a different dictionary to show how it works:

list = [{'id':'1234','name':'Jason'},

[(i, d) for i, d in enumerate(list) if 'Tom' in d.values()]


>>> [(1, {'id': '2345', 'name': 'Tom'}), (3, {'id': '4567', 'name': 'Tom'})]

This solution finds all dictionaries containing 'Tom' in any of their values.