IntelliJ Static Import Completion

Solution 1:

Version >= 11:

Settings -> Code Style -> Java -> Imports (tab).

Version < 11

Settings -> Code Style -> Imports

In the middle of the pane is the "Packages to Use Import with '*'" table. You can add an entry here of a fully-qualified class name, and tick the static box; now all static methods in this class will be available for auto-completion.

(I'm not sure how the static import works with specifying a package, as I've never tried it, but I don't see why it wouldn't. Specifying a super-package and ticking the "with subpackages" option could be even more interesting.)

Solution 2:

Alt + Enter will do the trick. You have to have the whole expression at first, and the hit Alt + Enter on the method you want to statically import.

statically import IntelliJ