Passing data between separately running Python scripts

Solution 1:

you can use multiprocessing module to implement a Pipe between the two modules. Then you can start one of the modules as a Process and use the Pipe to communicate with it. The best part about using pipes is you can also pass python objects like dict,list through it.


from multiprocessing import Process,Queue,Pipe
from mp1 import f

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parent_conn,child_conn = Pipe()
    p = Process(target=f, args=(child_conn,))
    print(parent_conn.recv())   # prints "Hello"

from multiprocessing import Process,Pipe

def f(child_conn):
    msg = "Hello"

Solution 2:

If you wanna read and modify shared data, between 2 scripts, which run separately, a good solution is, take advantage of the python multiprocessing module, and use a Pipe() or a Queue() (see differences here). This way, you get to sync scripts, and avoid problems regarding concurrency and global variables (like what happens if both scripts wanna modify a variable at the same time).

As Akshay Apte said in his answer, the best part about using pipes/queues, is that you can pass python objects through them.

Also, there are methods to avoid waiting for data, if there hasn't been any passed yet (queue.empty() and pipeConn.poll()).

See an example using Queue() below:

    from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
    from stage1 import Stage1
    from stage2 import Stage2

    s1= Stage1()
    s2= Stage2()

    # S1 to S2 communication
    queueS1 = Queue()  # s1.stage1() writes to queueS1

    # S2 to S1 communication
    queueS2 = Queue()  # s2.stage2() writes to queueS2

    # start s2 as another process
    s2 = Process(target=s2.stage2, args=(queueS1, queueS2))
    s2.daemon = True
    s2.start()     # Launch the stage2 process

    s1.stage1(queueS1, queueS2) # start sending stuff from s1 to s2 
    s2.join() # wait till s2 daemon finishes
    import time
    import random

    class Stage1:

      def stage1(self, queueS1, queueS2):
        lala = []
        lis = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
        for i in range(len(lis)):
          # to avoid unnecessary waiting
          if not queueS2.empty():
            msg = queueS2.get()    # get msg from s2
            print("! ! ! stage1 RECEIVED from s2:", msg)
            lala = [6, 7, 8] # now that a msg was received, further msgs will be different
          time.sleep(1) # work
          queueS1.put(lis + lala)             
        queueS1.put('s1 is DONE')
    import time

    class Stage2:

      def stage2(self, queueS1, queueS2):
        while True:
            msg = queueS1.get()    # wait till there is a msg from s1
            print("- - - stage2 RECEIVED from s1:", msg)
            if msg == 's1 is DONE ':
                break # ends loop
            time.sleep(1) # work
            queueS2.put("update lists")             

EDIT: just found that you can use queue.get(False) to avoid blockage when receiving data. This way there's no need to check first if the queue is empty. This is no possible if you use pipes.