How can GIMP 2.8 have two different icons simultaneously?
In Unity dash GIMP 2.8.10 has a icon and uses a different one in launcher.
GIMP in Dash
GIMP in Launcher
I searched for GIMP in "File System" and got this.
How can this be done while packaging other apps?
Take a look inside of /usr/share/applications/gimp.desktop
file. You will see that the value of Image
field is set to gimp
. So, there is not given an absolute path for the GIMP icon. This means that the system will look for the icon most probably in /usr/share/icons
. But there are more icons for GIMP, and the right icon will be chosen depending on the theme and on the resolution at which this should be displayed:
locate gimp.png
Finally, in the Launcher is chosen (most probably - depending on your settings) /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gimp.png
file and in the Dash is chosen /usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/gimp.png
file. If you will open these files, you will see that these look exactly like in your images.