How to find which promises are unhandled in Node.js UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning?

Solution 1:

listen unhandledRejection event of process.

process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, p) => {
  console.log('Unhandled Rejection at: Promise', p, 'reason:', reason);
  // application specific logging, throwing an error, or other logic here

Solution 2:

The correct way to show a full stacktrace for unhandled ES6 Promise rejections, is to run Node.js with the --trace-warnings flag. This will show the full stacktrace for every warning, without having to intercept the rejection from within your own code. For example:

node --trace-warnings app.js

Ensure that the trace-warnings flag comes before the name of your .js file! Otherwise, the flag will be interpreted as an argument to your script, and it will be ignored by Node.js itself.

If you want to actually handle unhandled rejections (eg. by logging them), then you might want to use my unhandled-rejection module instead, which catches all the unhandled rejections for every major Promises implementation that supports it, with a single event handler.

That module supports Bluebird, ES6 Promises, Q, WhenJS, es6-promise, then/promise, and anything that conforms to any of the unhandled rejection specifications (full details in the documentation).

Solution 3:

Logging with stack trace

If you are looking for more of a helpful error message. Try adding this to your node file. It should display the full stack trace where your crash is happening.

process.on('unhandledRejection', (error, p) => {
  console.log('=== UNHANDLED REJECTION ===');