Missing .angular-cli.json file: Angular

Update: With Angular 6.0.0 the filename is changed from .angular-cli.json to angular.json.

.angular-cli.json is a hidden file since @angular/cli version 1.0.

The file got the prefix . with this version 1.0 , so it is hidden as @JB Nizet commented.

The change is described in the wiki of @angular/cli stories 1.0 update

The location of this file is unchanged.

When you create a new project with @angular/cli 1.0.2, the message

create .angular-cli.json

is displayed.

angular-cli.json file has been renamed/replaced to angular.json from version 6.0.

mentioned here

You will not see angular-cli.json instead you see this (with dot at the beginning) .angular-cli.json which is hidden file. On finder MAC OS go to the project root folder and do

command + shift + .

or on eclipse open the project in navigator

Window->Show View->Navigator


Eclipse -> Preferences -> Remote Systems -> Files: Check the "Show hidden files" Ok.

That way you could display or hide hidden file like (.git, .gitIgnore)