How do I turn FTP sharing on in Lion?

I recently upgraded to Lion and I tried to FTP into it from another Mac, but I couldn't. I went to System Preferences>Sharing and could only find AFP and SMB sharing. How do I enable FTP sharing in Lion?

The option has been removed from the GUI in OS X 10.7 however you can enable it with a few commands.

Here is a good write up on how to do it.

Summary of the link above:

To Load:

sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ftp.plist

Then to start and stop you would run the following:

sudo launchctl start

sudo launchctl stop

To Unload:

sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ftp.plist

If I am not mistaken FTP is not supported anymore, too insecure, eg sends your password in the clear over the network etc. However, if you enable "Remote Login" in sharing, you can use SFTP which works just as well as FTP. SFTP stands for secure FTP and therefore all the information you transfer between computers is encrypted while in transit over the network, internet, etc.

Remote Login enable

Once you enable it on your computer you can connect to it using SSH / SFTP log in formats for example see below:

sftp username@hostname_or_ip-address