Multiple SSL certificates to access one ASP.NET application in IIS

Solution 1:

Your problem is unsolvable due to the way the SSL protocol and virtual hosts work. You have to use only a single certificate per IP, regardless of the number of name based virtual hosts served by it.

As Brian has already suggested, you can place several alternative virtual host names on that single certificate (using the subjectAltName x.509 extension - see, but it will still be just a single certificate. Visitors to one of your virtual hosts will be able to determine all the other virtual hosts simply by analyzing the certificate extension.

The limitation is due to how HTTPS protocol is organized - it's simply HTTP stacked on top of SSL.

So when a client connects to the server, it first has to establish a SSL session - this is the stage during which the server presents the certificate.

At this stage, the server does not know what virtual host the client will ask for because the client will do it later, only after having established the SSL session.

Only after the SSL session has been established, the client initiates the HTTP dialogue by sending the HTTP client headers, which include the "Host:" header indicating the web site's host address the client is asking for. This is long after the server certificate has been sent to the client.