Facebook API/PHP - Is it possible to change a user's profile image via FB Graph API?

Solution 1:

No, And here's a comment from a guy at facebook:

This Is A A Facebook Developer!

The Original Link - you have to press show comments

Solution 2:

We can do a trick by uploading user’s photo to Facebook via the API then redirect the user to uploaded photo URL with makeprofile=1 added to the list of query strings:


Check Auto Change Facebook Profile Picture to get PHP example and demo.

Solution 3:

Currently this is possible by redirecting the user to the mobile profile pic change url, https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=[fb photo id]&prof&ls=your_photo_permalink

The previous work around, using the facebook.com/photo.php?pid=[fb photo id]&makeprofile=1 url no longer works.