Supporting Sessions Without Cookies in Tomcat

I am currently running an application with the following properties:

  • Java-based with Spring and Acegi
  • Running on Tomcat 5

I need the ability to support user sessions without cookies. Could someone please point me in the right direction.

Thank you.

Solution 1:

The complete answer to this question is a combination of all your responses, so I'm going to summarize:

  1. There is no need to set cookies="false" in the context.xml file. The ideal functionality is for tomcat to use it's url-based session identification, which will be used by default if cookies are not supported by the user.

  2. When a user doesn't have cookies enabled, tomcat will identify the session by the "JSESSIONID" parameter from the url of the request. A couple sample urls are as follows;jsessionid=123456AFGT3;jsessionid=123456AFGT3?param1=value&param2=value2 Notice how the session id is not part of the url query string (this is a j2ee standard)

  3. In order to ensure the jsessionid parameter gets appended to all your request URLs, you can't have plain url references. For example, in JSTL, you have to use < c:url>. The servlet engine will then automatically append the jsessionid to the url if it is necessary. Here's an example:

    <%--this is bad:--%> < a href="page.html">link< / a>

    <%--this is good:--%> < a href="< c:url value='page.html'/>">link< / a>

Solution 2:


In a file META-INF/context.xml,

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<Context path='/myApplicationContext' cookies='false'>
  <!-- other settings -->