What is LLDB RPC Server ? When does it crash in Xcode? Why it crashes?

Solution 1:

In my case the LLDB RPC server consistently crashed every time I ran my app, even after cleaning the build folder and removing and reinstalling Xcode (Version 8.3.3 (8E3004b)) completely.

It turned out that apparently LLDB took objection to a breakpoint I had set, just moving this breakpoint by a line resolved the issue.

Solution 2:

Make sure you are not running the app in release mode, if it is in release mode then change it to debug.

Solution 3:

In my case: I update to Xcode Version 9.3 (9E145) recently and Xcode execute to the line with breakpoint then I type "po XXX" commend it will show the same message. I try to delete following files


and it solved. not knowing exactly why but worth to try.

remember to backup those files in order to recovered in case any unexpected situation occur.

Solution 4:

I had the same problem and fixed it after I deleted some of the breakpoints. Not sure why this happen at all, but at least you can remove breakpoints and use some NSLog() or print() if you are in Swift and debug with the help of those. Good luck!

Solution 5:

Clearly a lot of different causes for this, but for me I was using a DispatchGroup to keep track of multiple async tasks.

I had forgotten to call dispatchGroup.enter() before one of the async tasks (but still calling dispatchGroup.leave() when it finished).

Adding this in fixed the crash for me.