What is the equivalent of locales-all from Debian?

On Debian, I can have a package depend on locales-all to ensure that all locales are installed/available. There is no such package in Ubuntu.

It used to have belocs-locales-* which appeared to do the same; alternatively, one could depend on various localisation packs (e.g. just de+en+fr for most of Western Europe, which is of limited use; sometimes, software does in fact require all standard locales). These packages disappeared between hardy and precise, AFAICT.

So, what Ubuntu package can I Depends on to have all locales available?

Edit: this is not the same as the locales package, which merely provides data files needed to generate the locales; merely installing the locales-all package in Debian makes those locales available immediately, and all of them. (It contains a pack, in recent versions, saving much space too.) This way, the user does not have a knob in which they can (accidentally) disable necessary locales.

I found the following solution on https://docs.moodle.org/dev/Table_of_locales

   sudo ln -s /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED /var/lib/locales/supported.d/all
   sudo locale-gen

Unless I'm reading your wrong, this is just locales now.

It's part of the minimal^ task requirements as well as by ubuntu-minimal directly so this should always be installed. You shouldn't need to depend on anything to guarantee its presence but if you need something, pick ubuntu-minimal or something else you need that also depends on ubuntu-minimal. That's a pretty sane default.

Looking at the contents of Debian's locales-all I can see a lot of files like this that aren't in the standard Ubuntu locales package (see dpkg -L locales):


I searched packages.ubuntu.com for similar files and couldn't find any. This means they're either not packaged, they've got drastically different names, or they extract on install (rare but possible).

The only exception I can see are the locales installed by libc-bin into /usr/lib/locale/C.UTF-8/.

Ooo, I might have been on the money with the extraction. The locales package includes a locale-gen application which generates these sorts of files. See the wiki for more information on locales.