What is the word for "the space left behind when a shape is removed"? [closed]

What is the word for "the space left when a shape is removed from something", like for example, the gingerbread-man shape left in the dough after the gingerbread-man has been cut out of it? Its not the "counterfoil", or "the negative"....I seem to remember there being a specific word for it, what is it?

It's simply a cutout.

Definition of cutout:

1: something cut out or off from something else; also: the space or hole left after cutting


Disambiguation may well be necessary.

You could say "the 'negative space' left by the cookie cutter" -- this seems to be fairly common usage (google ngrams) and is more specific than terms like "cutout" or "void".

A visual example of usage is here: wikipedia


Void may work, albeit it is a bit more... poetic you may say.

Definition: Noun: A completely empty space. Adjective: completely empty.

In your cookie example:

The void left in the dough by my cookie cutter.

If a shape is cut out, then what is left is a shaped space. The further description of the space depends on what was cut out :

A Mango Shaped Space

Porter Square Books

Durrington Walls - an oval shaped space


Car shaped space

The Nature of the Mind

the three body cavities - a horseshoe shaped space

Trilaminar Embryo

Note : Due to the relative obscurity of the wording, some of these references are buried in the links I have provided. I guarantee that they are there, but they require a little searching to pinpoint them.

I think you may use outline: ​

the main shape or edge of something, without any details.

Cambridge Dictionary