I need to export a list of all users on our domain and I am not familiar with DSQUERY or DSGET?
I am really struggling to create the query that will export the following: Account FirstName LastName the OU that the user resides in
Ideally I would like it as a CSV. I do not have access to the domain controller, but can run DSQUERY/DSGET/etc. from my pc.
Solution 1:
Depending on your tools, you can do
dsquery user dc=contoso,dc=com | dsget user -samid -fn -ln -dn > names.csv
That'll create a space-separated list of account name, firstname, lastname, and location.
Converting it into a true csv takes a bit more work.
$userList=dsquery user dc=contoso,dc=com | dsget user -samid -fn -ln -dn
foreach ($user in $userList) {
$outstring=$user.trim(" ") -replace('\s+',',')
write-host `"$outstring`"
Which will get you output like
Solution 2:
dsquery works but the conversion to CSV by splitting on one or more spaces (\s+ ) is tenuous. Any attribute value with embedded spaces is going to shift the remaining values to the right. Also, by default dsquery will stop after outputting 100 objects; "-limit 0" will output all results.
The correct way to do this via command line is using csvde:
csvde -f names.csv -r "(&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=user))" -l samAccountName,givenName,sn
The obligatory PowerShell method is:
$a = [adsisearcher]'(&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=user))'
$a.PageSize = 1000
$a.FindAll() | ForEach-Object {
$b = $_.properties
$op = '' | select DN,sAMAccountName,sn,givenName
$op.DN = $b.distinguishedname[0]
if ($b.samaccountname) { $op.samAccountName = $b.samaccountname[0] }
if ($b.givenname) { $op.givenName = $b.givenname[0] }
if ($b.sn) { $op.sn = $b.sn[0] }
} | Export-Csv names3.csv -NoTypeInformation