Difficult complex integral

I found this integral awfully simple, but then with the obtained bounds, I thought it must be more difficult than this, and I have done some mistake.

The integral is $$\int_{\gamma}\text{sin}(z^3)+e^{z{^2}}\text{d}z,$$ where $\gamma:[0,\pi]\to\mathbb{C}$ is given by $$\gamma(t):=\text{sin}\,t+i\arctan( t^4-\pi t^3).$$

If you insert the upper and lower bounds of t in $\gamma$, you get $0$ for both. So the integral turns into the strange integral

$$\int_{0}^0\text{sin}(t^3)+e^{t{^2}}\,\text{d}t,$$ which must be zero? But this is an awkward integral and result.

Any ideas? Thanks!

Since $\sin(z^3)+e^{z^2}$ is an entire function, it has an antiderivative, and therefore its integral along any loop is $0$.