Wine programs (Steam and Football Manager) don't work after upgrade

Solution 1:

Unity completely wrecks the Wine user experience in several important ways.

  1. Compiz (desktop effects) is required, and Compiz often messes with Wine
  2. The Application Lens does not show any subfolders or allow the user to filter by wine apps, making finding them in the big alphabetical mess of a list difficult.
  3. Most Wine apps show the Wine icon rather than their icon in the dock.

This happened because Unity was not designed with Wine users in mind. At all. This is partially my fault, as I was a bit busy this cycle and should have been shouting from the rooftops to get Wine users noticed, but I was a bit busy with personal life and barely managed to get the system tray not intentionally broken.

That said, your specific application issue is probably not Unity-related. I will be putting out a new Wine1.2 release soon and issuing a stable release update for Natty, however in the meantime I would encourage you to try Wine1.3 ("Beta release" in Software Center) or the Wine PPA.

Solution 2:

It might be due to the newer version of Wine (1.2.2) in Natty Narwhal. In Maverick Meerkat came with Wine version 1.2. It has nothing to do with Unity.

Solution 3:

Ok I got it working.

If you get the error shown in the original post, find and save the listed .dll files to: ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32.

  • gameux.dll
  • import.dll
  • duser.dll