how to show pdf file in ionic app with out download

Things i did :

  1. used inappbrowser
  2. used google doc
  3. used webview

so i have tried all these methods to show the pdf file in android device using ionic. But no use, i can see the download button in all these methods. Can any one tell me how can i display pdf without download option for user.

my code :

 <div  class="col col-50 clsGrid" ng-click="showFile('')">

my pdf file :

My JS :

$scope.showModal = function(templateUrl) {
        $ionicModal.fromTemplateUrl(templateUrl, {
            scope: $scope,
            animation: 'slide-in-up'
        }).then(function(modal) {
            duration: 1000
            $scope.modal = modal;

    // Close the modal
    $scope.closeModal = function() {

    $scope.showFile = function(FileUrl) {
        var file = FileUrl;
        //var openurl =, '_blank');
      //  var openurl =,'_blank', 'location=yes');

          // var openurl ="" + file, '_blank');

    // var openurl ='', '_blank');


    var openurl ='', '_blank');


I tried all ways. But not able to find the solution.If any one know it will be usefull.If any expert in this, i can send my demo project for reference . Thanks in advance !

Solution 1:

You will need to use ng-pdfviewer.

AngularJS PDF viewer directive using pdf.js.

<button ng-click="prevPage()">&lt;</button>
<button ng-click="nextPage()">&gt;</button>
<pdfviewer src="test.pdf" on-page-load='pageLoaded(page,total)' id="viewer"></pdfviewer>

and in your AngularJS code:

var app = angular.module('testApp', [ 'ngPDFViewer' ]);

app.controller('TestCtrl', [ '$scope', 'PDFViewerService', function($scope, pdf) {
    $scope.viewer = pdf.Instance("viewer");

    $scope.nextPage = function() {

    $scope.prevPage = function() {

    $scope.pageLoaded = function(curPage, totalPages) {
        $scope.currentPage = curPage;
        $scope.totalPages = totalPages;