How can I see more output lines in terminal?

If I give a command that has a lot of output lines in terminal, about 400, I can only see the last ~200 if I scroll up to the top. How can I go further up and see more output lines? I don't want to use tee and copy the output to a text file. I use Openbox and Terminator.

How can I see the terminal output from two days ago?

Terminator's configuration (including buffer size), is stored in its configuration file, usually found at ~/.config/terminator/config.

You may configure the buffer size by modifying the configuration file to include the following. Be sure to include the section headings, as these are necessary.

    scrollback_lines = 5000


You may also modify Terminator configuration by right-clicking in a Terminator window, and selecting Preferences. The relevant preference is in Profiles > Default > Scrolling > Scrollback.

I had to do this in the terminal preferences for Ubuntu 14.04

Edit > Profile Preferences > Scrolling > Scrollback:

I set mine to 2048 (512 is default), close, restart terminal