Fastest way to record audio macOS Big Sur?

The fastest way I currently have is:

  • cmdspacequienter (Open QuickTime
  • cmdw (close the Open dialog)
  • cmdshiftn (New Audio Recording)

Is there already a faster way to prepare to record audio? Can I set up a faster method of opening an audio recorder? Or can I make the QuickTime Player experience less painful (for example by disabling the automatic Open dialog)

Solution 1:

From Mojave onwards, MacOS comes with a Voice Memos app, which may be faster and better-suited to your purpose.

Command N (or press the red button) will start a new recording.

You can also sync the recording using iCloud, if you want.

Alternatively, from Monterey onwards, you could use to create a Shortcut that records audio. It would then be available in the shortcuts menulet from the menu bar.

Solution 2:

Using, you can create a new "Quick Action" document. Next, add a "Run AppleScript" action to the Workflow and insert this following AppleScript code into the "Run AppleScript" action

tell application "QuickTime Player"
    set newAudioRecording to new audio recording
    start newAudioRecording
end tell

enter image description here

Next, save the new "Quick Action" document. (I saved it as "New QT Audio Recording"

Now you can assign it a keyboard shortcut in System Preferences.

enter image description here