How can I graphically mount ISOs?

Right-click on the file and choose "Open With Archive Mounter".

Archive Mounter in right-click context menu

The ISO is mounted at .gvfs folder under your Home directory.

Mount directory

You can either access it from the mount location as shown above or from the side-panel in your File Manager.

Mounted ISO

Credit goes to Ubuntu Forums member, tgm4883.

There is Furius ISO Mount Install furiusisomount Install via the software center

for example.

  1. Select the ISO you want to mount by clicking on Browse...

    enter image description here

  2. Click on Mount

    enter image description here

  3. Win

In some cases (using certain file browsers or desktop environments) the mounted image is not opened automatically, so it is useful to know the mount point enter image description here

To unmount, select that line to see the mount point clearly visible beside the "Unmount" button that has now become active.

enter image description here

There is Gmount-iso :Click to install Install via the software center

enter image description here

Gmount-iso is a small tool written using PyGTK and Glade. It allows you to easily mount your cd images. This is a frontend to the 'mount -o loop -t iso9660 foo.iso /mountpoint' command.