Is there a stronger version of "even"?

Solution 1:

Let alone, according to Oxford Dictionary Online:

"Used to indicate that something is far less likely or suitable than something else already mentioned." 1

In your sentence (also added a will to it grammatical):

The LHC machine, even when it found the Higgs boson, let alone when it will find the tachyon, is still only a combination of atoms.

Other sentence from you example, my addition is in bold:

They have never even heard of the US, let alone Texas.

Other example sentences from ODO:

"‘At the time he had no idea how to start a business, let alone find the financial backing to realise his dream.’"

"‘There was a chance that he might not be able to breathe for himself or swallow, let alone walk or talk again.’"


1 "Let Alone | Definition of Let Alone in English by Oxford Dictionaries." Oxford Dictionaries | English. Accessed March 23, 2018.

Solution 2:

My current choice:

Even when the Higgs boson is found, or even the tachyon will ever be found, the LHC is only more advanced than a hoe by the number of oscillators.

Will ever highlights the miraculousness of finding out the tachyon, hence it makes a stronger version of even.