How to describe the feeling of resonance with everyone? For example, when you watch an eclipse with other spectators [closed]

Solution 1:

You could talk about having a communal experience (like in this book title:

On that note you could try using the word communion or the verb to commune with, but that could be hard to pull off. The word is very strongly associated with its primary meaning, which is the Christian ritual.

cf the fourth and fifth definitions on

  1. interchange or sharing of thoughts or emotions; intimate communication: communion with nature.
  2. the act of sharing, or holding in common; participation.

You could say everybody felt connected, or as one, or in tune with each other.

I don't think there is a specific word or expression for this feeling in English; when people describe this state they usually describe it with their own words and metaphors. In that context, "The feeling of having a resonance with everyone", or maybe rather "being in resonance with everyone", actually isn't that bad. I'd understand it, but then I have a maths/physics background and might not be the best judge.

Solution 2:

As we watched the eclipse with everyone together, harmony was restored.

agreement in feeling, action, ideas, interests, etc.; peaceable or friendly relations; agreement in action, opinion, feeling, etc; accord Collins