IIS7 Overrides customErrors when setting Response.StatusCode?

Having a weird problem here. Everybody knows that if you use web.config's customErrors section to make a custom error page, that you should set your Response.StatusCode to whatever is appropriate. For example, if I make a custom 404 page and name it 404.aspx, I could put <% Response.StatusCode = 404 %> in the contents in order to make it have a true 404 status header.

Follow me so far? Good. Now try to do this on IIS7. I cannot get it to work, period. If Response.StatusCode is set in the custom error page, IIS7 seems to override the custom error page completely, and shows its own status page (if you have one configured.)

Has anyone else seen this behavior and also maybe know how to work around it? It was working under IIS6, so I don't know why things changed.

Note: This is not the same as the issue in ASP.NET Custom 404 Returning 200 OK Instead of 404 Not Found

Solution 1:

Set existingResponse to PassThrough in system.webServer/httpErrors section:

    <httpErrors existingResponse="PassThrough" />

Default value of existingResponse property is Auto:

Auto tells custom error module to do the right thing. Actual error text seen by clients will be affected depending on value of fTrySkipCustomErrors returned in IHttpResponse::GetStatus call. When fTrySkipCustomErrors is set to true, custom error module will let the response pass through but if it is set to false, custom errors module replaces text with its own text.

More information: What to expect from IIS7 custom error module

Solution 2:

The easiest way to make the behavior consistent is to clear the error and use Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors and set it to true. This will override the IIS global error page handling from within your page or the global error handler in Application_Error.

Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true;

Typically you should do this in your Application_Error handler that handles all errors that your application error handlers are not catching.

More detailed info can be found in this blog post: http://www.west-wind.com/weblog/posts/745738.aspx

Solution 3:

Solved: It turns out that "Detailed Errors" needs to be on in order for IIS7 to "passthrough" any error page you might have. See http://forums.iis.net/t/1146653.aspx

Solution 4:

I'm not sure if this is similar in nature or not, but I solved an issue that sounds similar on the surface and here's how I handled it.

First of all, the default value for existingResponse (Auto) was the correct answer in my case, since I have a custom 404, 400 and 500 (I could create others, but these three will suffice for what I'm doing). Here are the relevant sections that helped me.

From web.config:

<customErrors mode="Off" />


<httpErrors errorMode="Custom" existingResponse="Auto" defaultResponseMode="ExecuteURL">
  <clear />
  <error statusCode="404" path="/errors/404.aspx" responseMode="ExecuteURL" />
  <error statusCode="500" path="/errors/500.aspx" responseMode="ExecuteURL" />
  <error statusCode="400" path="/errors/400.aspx" responseMode="ExecuteURL" />

From there, I added this into Application_Error on global.asax:

    Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = True

On each of my custom error pages I had to include the correct response status code. In my case, I'm using a custom 404 to send users to different sections of my site, so I don't want a 404 status code returned unless it actually is a dead page.

Anyway, that's how I did it. Hope that helps someone.

Solution 5:

This issue has been a major headache. None of the suggestions previously mentioned alone solved it for me, so I'm including my solution. For the record, our environment/platform uses:

  • .NET Framework 4
  • MVC 3
  • IIS8 (workstation) and IIS7 (web server)

Specifically, I was trying to get an HTTP 404 response that would redirect the user to our custom 404 page (via the Web.config settings).

First, my code had to throw an HttpException. Returning a NotFoundResult from the controller did not achieve the results I was after.

throw new HttpException(404, "There is no class with that subject");

Then I had to configure both the customErrors and httpError nodes in the Web.config.

<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="/classes/Error.aspx">
  <error statusCode="404" redirect="/classes/404.html" />


<httpErrors errorMode="Custom" existingResponse="Auto" defaultResponseMode="ExecuteURL">
  <clear />
  <error statusCode="404" path="/classes/404.aspx" responseMode="ExecuteURL" />

Note that I left the existingResponse as Auto, which is different than the solution @sefl provided.

The customErrors settings appeared to be necessary for handling my explicitly thrown HttpException, while the httpErrors node handled URLs that fell outside of the route patterns specified in Globals.asax.cs.

P.S. With these settings I did not need to set Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors