Enzyme simulate an onChange event

Solution 1:

You can simply spy to the method directly via the prototype.

it("responds to name change", done => {
  const handleChangeSpy = sinon.spy(New.prototype, "handleChange");
  const event = {target: {name: "pollName", value: "spam"}};
  const wrap = mount(
    <New />
  wrap.ref('pollName').simulate('change', event);

Alternatively, you can use spy on the instance's method, but you have to make a forced update because the component is already rendered after mount is called, which means the onChange is already bound to its original.

it("responds to name change", done => {
  const event = {target: {name: "pollName", value: "spam"}};
  const wrap = mount(
    <New />
  const handleChangeSpy = sinon.spy(wrap.instance(), "handleChange");
  wrap.update(); // Force re-render
  wrap.ref('pollName').simulate('change', event);