Can we write an AWS Lambda function to query Kinesis Streams

Solution 1:

Your approach is not the typical way to use Amazon Kinesis Streams.

The normal situation is that data is sent to a Kinesis stream, which holds the data for 24 hours (but can be configured for up to 7 days). Your app can then extract the data from the stream and processes it -- either updating something in real-time or storing information in a database. In fact, Amazon Kinesis Firehose can automatically store incoming data into Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift or Amazon Elasticsearch Service.

Thus, streams are processed rather than queried. Just think of them as replayable queues (rather than databases).

Alternatively, you can have Amazon Kinesis Streams trigger an AWS Lambda function whenever a new message arrives in the stream. This allows near-realtime processing of incoming information.

Amazon Kinesis Streams triggering an AWS Lambda function