The process `com.broadcom.mes.systemextension` causes 100% CPU usage, what is it for?

As title. I have searched about com.broadcom.mes.systemextension but from their website I still don't know what it is for. As a NeoVim(you can think it as Vim) user when I scrolling through a result list from CLI tools rg(ripgrep) and fd(find), this CPU usage of this process goes from 5% to 105% and the temperature of my computer goes straight up to 80 Celsius. I really want to stop this process but I don't know whether it will be serious side-effect to my computer. Thanks in advance!

Solution 1:

Google tells me it's part of Symantec Endpoint protection & has a known issue. See

I can't test this theory, as Broadcom requires client login to access. If this is a company Mac, refer to your IT department.

High CPU use may be experienced on some macOS 10.15.x machines running the 14.2 RU2 release of Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP). The process involved is the new

Due to changes made in macOS 10.15, scan operations with autoprotect were happening unnecessarily.

This is resolved in Symantec Endpoint Protection version 14.2 RU2 MP1 build b5576 and is available via the Broadcom Download Center