Using "mv" or "ditto" to merge folders in OS X

Used to the Windows way of doing I just found out OS X has no merge function – moving means replacing the folder. While this does make sense, I miss merging!

I've two Wordpress directories, 1 contains default source and 2 contains worked version with plugins custom theme etc.

I want to see difference between this two, so I'm putting it on SVN. Folder 1 is already up, now in theory I should simply merge contents of 2 with 1 by replacing everything with contents of 2 but leaving hidden SVN files untouched.

Unfortunately OS X, when moving, replaces the folder so that my SVN client goes crazy and doesn't understand folder structure anymore.

So, I believe my options are mv and ditto, but which one would you use in my situation and how?

sudo mv wordpress /Documents/svn/wwwholiday/trunk/wordpress

I want mv to overwrite everything it finds, but leave alone whatever is already inside folder 1 and has no duplicate in folder 2.

The easiest way to merge folders in one way, e.g.

Merge everything from folder 1 → folder 2

would be to use rsync.

rsync -avh folder1/* folder2/

This will:

  • move all files that only exist in folder 1 and its subdirectories to folder 2
  • not overwrite anything in folder 2 if it's already there
  • overwrite files that have been changed, unless you add the --ignore-existing option
  • not delete anything from folder 2, unless you add the --delete option

Feel free to adapt this to your situation (where folder1 and folder2 are the other way round, I guess).

You can try to see what the command does by calling:

rsync -avh --dry-run folder1/ folder2/

The dry-run switch shows you what it does.

Don't forget that the backslashes have a special meaning, so folder2/ as the destination is not the same as folder2. Check the manpage of rsync for usage and more options.

Also recommended is -P (according to --help, same as --partial --progress) which adds show progress during transfer and keep partially transferred files (which is useful for retries if there was a failure).