Two Circles intersecting, common tangent: Proof $GI=IH$

I have the following problem: Two circles (middle points $A,C$) have two intersections: $E,F$. Now we draw a common tangent on the circles and we'll get $G,H$. Let $I:=GH \cap EF$. Now I have to proof $GI=IH$.

I made this drawing:

enter image description here

and I tried to find some common angles or sides to use congruences, but I wasn't able to find some, because I have differnt circles with different radius'.

Perhaps someone can give me a hint how to move on? Thanks in advance.

As $I$ is on the power line (also called radical axis) of the circles $(A)$ and $(C)$ its power with respect to each of the circles is the same. Thus, $IG^2 = IH^2\implies IG=IH$

EDIT: Without knowledge of the properties of radical axis, we can do the following. Show that triangles $\Delta IGE$ and $\Delta IFG$ are similar using the fact that $\angle IGE = \angle IFG$. Therefore, $\frac{IG}{IF}=\frac{IE}{IG}$ or equivalently $IG^2 =IE\cdot IF$. Similarly, we can show $IH^2=IE\cdot IF$ and the problem is solved.