Worth switching to zsh for casual use? [closed]
Solution 1:
Personally, I love zsh.
Generally, you probably won't notice the difference between it and bash, until you want to quickly do things like recursive globbing:
for example.
Or use suffix aliases to associate specific progs with different suffixes, so that you can "execute" them directly. The below alias lets you "run" a C source file at the prompt by simply typing ./my_program.c
– which will work exactly as if you typed vim ./my_program.c
. (Sort of the equivalent to double clicking on the icon of a file.)
alias -s c=vim
Or print the names of files modified today:
print *(e:age today now:)
You can probably do all of these things in bash, but my experience with zsh is that if there's something I want to do, I can probably find it in zsh-lovers. I also find the book 'From Bash to Z-Shell' really useful.
Playing with the mind bogglingly large number of options is good fun too!
Solution 2:
For casual use you are probably better off sticking with bash and just installing bash completion.
Installing it is pretty easy, grab the bash-completion-20060301.tar.gz from http://www.caliban.org/bash/index.shtml#completion and extract it with
tar -xzvf bash-completion-20060301.tar.gz
then copy the bash_completion/bash_completion file to /etc with
sudo cp bash_completion/bash_completion /etc
which will prompt you for your password. You probably will want to make a /etc/bash_completion.d directory for any additional completion scripts (for instance I have the git completion script in there).
Once this is done the last step is to make sure the .bash_profile file in your home directory has
if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
. /etc/bash_completion
in it to load the completion file when you login.
To test it just open a new terminal, and try completing on cvs and it should show you the cvs options in the list of completions.