Is there a terminal commands cheat sheet application?

I stumbled upon a terminal cheat sheet here and I started wondering if there was anyway to display this in Ubuntu 12.04, much in the way that holding the [Super] key displays tips for window managing and shortcuts.

Is there any app or desklet or something that provides this effect? I'm very new to Linux and this quick reference would be very useful to me.

A better solution to looking at an image to learn text commands is to use apropos with a search term. apropos permissions, apropos disk, apropos network, apropos search &c

Not quite what you are looking for, but is a very nice thing. This is an universal cheat sheet for almost anything, not only Linux terminal commands but also many programming languages etc.

It works online by accessing the webpage which is under this very address You can use it right from the browser, but the preferred way is to install curl (sudo apt install curl) and then running the following command in terminal:


It will explain how to use it and use more commands.