Suppose $X$ is a compact, connected $n$-dimensional homology ($\Bbb Z$-)manifold ( Since orientability is defined using only homology (for example, in Hatcher's book), we can define orientability of homology manifolds. Suppose $X$ is orientable. Then is it true that there is a fundamental class of $X$?

Orientable closed, connected manifolds have fundamental classes (Theorem 3.26 in Hatcher, but the proof uses the local Euclidean condition of manifolds, so the proof doesn't apply directly to homology manifolds.

Solution 1:

References for Poincare Duality for orientable $L$-homology manifolds, where $L$ is a PID are:

A. Borel, "The Poincaré duality in generalized manifolds" Michigan Math. J., 4 (1957) pp. 227–239.

A. Borel, "Homology and duality in generalized manifolds" A. Borel (ed.), Seminar on transformation groups, Princeton Univ. Press (1960) pp. 23–33.

Another reference is Bredon's book "Sheaf theory" but I find it unreadable.

From these, you get the fundamental class and much more, of course.