Google Domain - DNS Configuration for Firebase Hosting - Connect Domain
I am trying to connect my firebase app in to a domain -where the domain purchesd from google.Need help to to do the setup for DNS configuration. my app is working fine in firebase app. firebase app is -
My Firebase setup
Google Domain ( - DNS Configuration
1.Name servers Default is "Use the Google Domains name servers" is it OK?, if not what to setup
2.Registered hosts
If anything, need to add- please let me know.
3.Synthetic records
If anything, need to setup - please let me know.
4. Custom resource records
I am trying to add two records but getting error while trying to add second record - is "Record already in use" please find the screen shot
Update Now I have added both the IP address, but still it is not working.
Click the little +
icon to the right of the field where you're entering the IP address. That will open a second textbox that you can use for the second value.
I noticed in your screenshot
That you have (where I assume ----------- is your URL). You don't want that. You want simply @ there (and www if you want to redirect as well). @ means "this domain name", which in your case is ----------
Hope this helps!
This was really helpful but there was one missing thing I was still confused on. On the firebase docs page for this if you scroll down the page it give you an example of how to setup a google domain. It asks that you put in the following information.
I could not find any "verification value provided in firebase console" for a TXT record. I ended up just putting the DNS A record inputs and that worked for and