Rotation of a non-square matrix [closed]


The data $$ \begin{align*} A = \begin{bmatrix}4.84726 & -2.46786 & 0.549036 & -4.31815 \\ 0.813505 & -3.46221 & -0.251525 & 2.97353 \end{bmatrix} \end{align*} $$ are believed to be a rotation of the data $$ \begin{align*} B = \begin{bmatrix}4.51076 & -2.18889 & 0.58951 & -4.715 \\ 1.95213 & -3.64499 & -0.131083 & 2.29282\end{bmatrix} \end{align*} $$

Determine the amount of rotation between the data sets.


This chapter has been about the SVD so I'm assuming that's the lens to think the problem through but I'm not sure if I should look at the left eigenvectors or right eigenvectors and then how to come up with a measure for how different the matrices are...

Guidance would be appreciated

Solution 1:

I found an excellent paper that addresses this problem in the $3D$ case, but the methods developed there are applicable in a straight forward manner to the $2D$ case presented in this question.

We have $4$ observations of $2D$ vectors (matrix $B$) and their rotated versions (matrix $A$). Following the development of the paper cited above, the error performance index with equal weights for all the observations is given by

$J = \displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^4 (A_i - R B_i)^T (A_i - R B_i) $

where $A_i$ is the $i$-th column of matrix $A$ and $B_i$ is the $i$-th column of matrix $B$. Expanding, we find that minimizing $J$ is equivalent to maximizing

$J_1 = \displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^4 A_i^T R B_i = \text{trace}( A^T R B) = \text{trace}( R B A^T) $

Continuing with the development in the above paper, the $2 \times 2$ matrix $(BA^T)$ is decomposed into the SVD form i.e. $B A^T = U \Sigma V^T $, then we have

$\text{trace}(R B A^T) = \text{trace}(R U \Sigma V^T) = \text{trace}(\Sigma V^T R U ) $

The maximum of the last expression is obtained when $V^T R U$ is the identity matrix. That is,

$ V^T R U = I $

From which,

$R = V U^T $

I wrote a small code to perform the above calculations, and found that

$R = \begin{bmatrix} 0.986615 && 0.163066 \\ -0.163066 && 0.986615 \end{bmatrix}$

Which is the rotation matrix corresponding to a rotation by an angle $\theta = \text{ATAN2}( 0.986615, -0.163066) = -9.385^\circ $

The error index at this optimum rotation matrix is $J = 0.285534$