Find the equation of straight line joining the point $(2,2)$ to the points in which the straight line $y=mx+c$ cuts the circle, $x^2 + y^2 =2ax+2ay$. Hence find the condition that these points may subtend a right angle at the point $(2,2)$. I am sure if the point in the question were to be origin, I could use homogenization to solve the problem, So I wanted to ask to solve this problem should I shift the origin from $(2,2)$ to $(0,0)$ like changing the equations to $(y-2)=m(x-2)$ and $(x-2)^2+(y-2)^2=2a(x-2)(y-2)$ and the solve the question?

Please let me know if my method is correct

Solution 1:

Hint: To shift $(2,2)$ to the origin, remember that $x=(x+2)-2$ and $y=(y+2)-2$ shift