Runge uniform convergence theorem on closed curves
Solution 1:
To 'prove' something, we need to 'state' the proposition. The sentence you quote is not false but for it to be true, it should be restated carefully. Let me formulate the proposition.
Proposition Consider a region(open connedted set) $D \subseteq \mathbb{C}$ whose boundary $C$ is a closed curve and a sequence of holomorphic functions $g_n:D \longrightarrow \mathbb{C}$ which are continuous on the closure of $D$. Suppose that $g_n$ converges uniformly on $C$. Then $g_n$ converges uniformly in the interior of $C$ to a holomorphic function.
I guess the above is enough for most purposes where the statements like quoted one is required.
The proof is simple and just a direct consquence of the Cauchy integral formula as mentioned by Conrad. You may visit the following link to find the proof.
The proof of the proposition