What does `man launchctl` means?

I'm trying to run this line in the terminal.

launchctl bootstrap "gui/$(id -u "${USER}")/com.apple.rcd"

But I'm getting the following error:

Please refer to `man launchctl` for explanation of the <domain-target> specifiers.

I'm not sure what does this means. I hope someone can help me.

Thanks in advance!

Solution 1:

man command refers to man page which is a software documentation system available for command line applications and libraries available on Unix systems.

In your case, what the command output is advising you is to refer to the man page for the launchctl command by running the command:

man launchctl

The man page for a command or a library function, if installed on system, can be viewed by running the command:

man <command_name>

To search if man page for a command or a library function is installed on your system, run:

man -aw <command_name>

to view the path of installed man page(s).