How can I identify the manufacturer of our raised floor? [closed]

I'm managing servers in a 'hand-me-down' computer room, where we have absolutely no documentation about the floor system, and I'm attempting to determine who the manufacturer was so that I can then attempt to find the rating load of the floor and stanchions.

I've found a few places that sell replacement panels where you can send images, but I'm trying to avoid getting on their mailing lists, as we don't actually need new tiles.

I'm guessing it's a bit to hope for an Identifont for raised floor systems, but are there any methods or resources to identify the panels? (hopefully without getting on some sales droid's mailing list)

Solution 1:

Can you post pictures of the tiles and stanchions? I and some other people on Server Fault deal with datacenter environmentals regularly, and might be able to help you.

Tate is the most popular vendor of datacenter flooring, and their access flooring catalog would be a good place to start. We use their ConCore, but their Aluminum System is also very popular in a lot of datacenters.

Haworth is another popular flooring vendor; we use them in our DR site. Haworth's flooring catalog might be of some help too.

Solution 2:

I guess I should've posted this an answer, rather than just a comment:

After lifting enough floor tiles (as we were installing extra stanchions in the center of the tiles), we managed to find a tile that still had a sticker from the manufacturer on it.

It might not work for others, but it's worth a try if you're in the same predicament.