How can I find duplicate songs?

Solution 1:

dupeGuru Music Edition is what you want. Set the scan type to "Audio Contents" in Preferences. Please note that the program is fairware so please contribute if you can.

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I suggest you couple this with MusicBrainz Picard which can tag your music files automatically.

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Solution 2:

There is a plugin that was made some time ago for this. I've used it recently but it still leaves a little to be desired. There is a "PPA" for it - but no built packages yet, just the Bazaar branch. The install instructions go something like this:

wget -O tmp.tar.gz && mkdir -vp ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox/plugins/duplicate-source/ && tar -xf tmp.tar.gz -C ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox/plugins && rm -v tmp.tar.gz

If you're interested in using the Bazaar'd source code do the following instead:

mkdir -vp ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox/plugins && cd ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox/plugins && bzr branch lp:rb-duplicate-source duplicate-source

Once it's installed restart Rhythmbox and you should have a Duplicates Finder now in the plugin list.

plugins list

After activating it - there are additional configuration options available.

configuration window

After the plugin is enabled - and when it finds duplicates - it'll add an additional option to your library list:


A few settings that I've found as "odd" - I've tried this on a media library with over 120,000 songs (over 1,000 duplicates) and a library with about 1,000 songs and maybe 30 duplicates. On the former it took a VERY long time and crashed Rhythmbox several times during the search. I eventually went with Automatically "Remove from Library" to avoid having to rebuild the list. On smaller libraries everything works great though.

When a duplicate is found - if you have the default options selected - the lower quality version of the song will be added to the list. So it's safe to select all songs on the Duplicates list and "Remove" (Either delete from disk or remove from library).

Solution 3:

You can use fdupes for that:

$ fdupes -r ~/Music

which gives you a list of all duplicate files.

You can easily install it with

sudo apt-get install fdupes