Conjugacy classes in GAP

Let $V(FA_4)$ be normalized unit group of group algebra $FA_4$, where $F$ is a field containing 4 elements and $A_4$ is alternating group on $4$ symbols. How can I find conjugacy classes of elements of $V$ using GAP commands? ( Since GAP has most commands for $p$-groups over finite field $F_p$ )

Solution 1:

There probably is a better way of finding units -- what I will use is to work in the regular matrix representation, since it will give the units as a group of matrices.

Start with the regular matrix representation:

gap> g:=AlternatingGroup(4);;
gap> g:=Image(RegularActionHomomorphism(g));
Group([ (1,5,7)(2,4,8)(3,6,9)(10,11,12), (1,2,3)(4,7,10)(5,9,11)(6,8,12) ])
gap> mats:=List(GeneratorsOfGroup(g),x->PermutationMat(x,Size(g),GF(4)));

For performance reasons it turns out to be useful to change the basis so that the algebra is a direct sum of smaller dimensional algebras:

gap> bas:=List(MTX.Indecomposition(GModuleByMats(mats,GF(4))),x->x[1]);;
gap> bas:=Concatenation(bas)^-1;
< mutable compressed matrix 12x12 over GF(4) >
gap> mats:=List(mats,x->x^bas);;

(Verify block form with Display(mats[1]);). Now we form the algebra:

gap> r:=Algebra(GF(4),mats);
<algebra over GF(2^2), with 2 generators>
gap> Size(r);

Now we start searching for units:

for e in Enumerator(r) do
  if not IsZero(DeterminantMat(e)) and not e in u then
    Print("Found extra generator\n");
    Print("Units now size ",Size(u),"\n");

This runs a bit and gives us a group of matrices:

gap> u;
<matrix group of size 7077888 with 11 generators>

For efficiency we cnonvert the unit group (which happens to be solvable) to a PcGroup:

gap> iso:=IsomorphismPcGroup(u);;
gap> v:=Image(iso,u);;

and compute its conjugacy classes:

gap> cl:=ConjugacyClasses(v);;
gap> Collected(List(cl,Size));
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